It’s true, because, as of today, Derrick Rose is hurt.:) But seriously though, I have watched just about every minute of play this kid has gotten on the floor this year and he has made me jump off the couch more times than I can count. One thing Clevelanders know for certain is that, as a rookie, Kyrie Irving is already a better closer than Lebron was for his entire career in C-Town. How special is Kyrie? Only time will tell us the full story, but already he’s showing a precosiousness that is making the NBA stand up and take notice. Chris Paul you are offically on watch. Your time at the top of the point guard hierachy in the NBA is at an end. Since the trade of Ramon Sessions, Kyrie’s minutes are now on par with Paul's and in my fantasy league Kyire Irving is averaging 46/ppg as opposed to Paul's 42/ppg and this is one of Paul’s best stretches of basketball all year. Given this fact, it’s not hard to extrapolate the numbers and factor in the fact that Kyrie’s barely a rookie having played only a handful of college games at Duke. Stats are nice to have on hand, but they don't tell the whole story. It's the eyeball test that Kyrie passes in spades. He looks, acts and plays like the real deal and confidence is half the fight for an NBA Rookie.
There were times at the beginning of the season I felt Kyrie defered too much in the half court set, but now I understand why.Whether it's a natural thing or an intentional one Kyrie is a master of pacing and like a good movie, he starts out slow and comes to an emotionally crushing conclusion. His play in the fourth quarter of some games this year has been nothing short of astounding. His silky smooth ball handling is almost as marvelous as his uncanny knack to finish “soft” at the rim. (I can’trecall having seen him dunk this year).
Bottomline, the Cleveland Cavaliers have a superstar in their midst and already the sting of losing Lebron James is wearing off for Clevelanders. It has been replaced with a glimmer of hope that once the Miami Heat experiment fails, which I think it will. LBJ will return home like the prodigal son. A backcourt of Kyie Irving and Lebron James sound pretty damn sweet and would be a far better pairing than LBJ and DWade are right now. Their skill sets are too closely matched and don't necessarily compliment one another. One can only hope. One thing is for certain, Kyrie Irving will be the unanimous rookie of the year and has put hope back into the Cavalier organization. Keep on Kyrie, keep on.
Bottomline, the Cleveland Cavaliers have a superstar in their midst and already the sting of losing Lebron James is wearing off for Clevelanders. It has been replaced with a glimmer of hope that once the Miami Heat experiment fails, which I think it will. LBJ will return home like the prodigal son. A backcourt of Kyie Irving and Lebron James sound pretty damn sweet and would be a far better pairing than LBJ and DWade are right now. Their skill sets are too closely matched and don't necessarily compliment one another. One can only hope. One thing is for certain, Kyrie Irving will be the unanimous rookie of the year and has put hope back into the Cavalier organization. Keep on Kyrie, keep on.